Real ID Friends vanished after transfer

#0 - Sept. 30, 2010, 9:47 a.m.
Blizzard Post

I transferred my horde character last night from one realm to another after which my entire real life friends id list vanished.
I also stopped appearing on their lists.

I remember last time I had some trouble Blizzard enabled and disabled the parental controls to facilitate a fix.
That was fine, so I decided to try it myself.
I enabled my parental controls and enabled the Real ID options and such, but this didn't fix the issue.

I've now realised that I can't actually disable the parental controls and that my Real ID friends is gone --- again....

Can you please look into recovering my real life friends list if possible, or at least fixing it so that my pending requests to re-add friends go through.
(Oh yes, I forgot to say that I've never been able to add real life friends I've always had to have them add me - my requests never seem to get to them yet I receive their requests instantly)

I't'd be greatly appreciated if you can recover my old real life friends list and so that I appear on their list again also.

Oh and please remove the parental controls, as it was me that enabled them and I can't find any options to disable them.

Thank you.
#1 - Sept. 30, 2010, 10:20 a.m.
Blizzard Post
As far as I know, Frostchild, doing a paid character transfer or disabling/enabling Real ID should not wipe your friend's list. I will forward your account information and see if we can find out why your friends list was wiped. Unfortunately even then, we wouldn't be able to recover your friends list. You will need to re-add your friend's using real id, we cannot force add it to your list.

Our billing and account services would be who you need to contact in regards to removing parental controls. I did refresh your account which should hopefully clear up anything that is acting up.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.