Can a blue please assist me?

#0 - Sept. 29, 2010, 9:08 p.m.
Blizzard Post
This is a weird request, but here goes.

This is NOT my account that I'm posting on. I'm posting on my boyfriend's account. The reason I can't log into my account on the forums is that the forums now need an Authenticator to log in, and I forgot my iPod at home.

My account was hacked a month or two ago, and the hacker deleted one of my toons and made a level 1. When I recovered my account, I deleted that level 1 myself.

However, when I go on the forums and click Select Character from the drop-down on my account, this level 1 shows up. This may seem weird, but it leaves a very bad taste in my mouth seeing this stupid Priest on my character list every time I go to switch posting characters (which I do often).

I am wondering if it's possible for a blue to delete the level 1 from my character list?

A toon on my account is Abigale on Ysera. The level 1 in question is also on Ysera, I think the name is Lengy or Lengthy or something like that.
#3 - Sept. 29, 2010, 9:22 p.m.
Blizzard Post
We are unable to delete forum avatars, Ikowe.

Huntinginak & Maridian gave you a workaround that may work in removing the unwanted character from the list of forum avatars.

Good luck!