Blocking players

#0 - Oct. 1, 2010, 7:21 p.m.
Blizzard Post
hey is there a way to block players so that u never get matched up with them again in dungeons? i was just playing a random dungeon and there were a buncha jerks.. i was dps and the healer died.. and they told me to heal the tank and i didnt have it on my bar so i didnt then they were calling me names and stuff when that wasnt even my role... then when we continued on, the healer wouldnt heal me at all and when i died , he said he didnt have rez on his i just left and i really dont want to play with them ever again so can i completely block them
#3 - Oct. 1, 2010, 7:38 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Heya Shauwk,
Q u o t e:

So, for example, you would use these commands:

/ignore Shandiee-Runetotem (normal realm name)

/ignore Shandiee-SisterofElune (realm name with spacing)

/ignore Shandiee-Amanthul (realm name with apostrophe)
▲▲ It’s quite unfortunate that you experienced this, but you are welcome to /ignore the players by following Shandiee’s commands. This should prevent grouping with the same players.