How do I properly thank GM Glasslill?

#0 - Sept. 29, 2010, 9:43 p.m.
Blizzard Post
You see, 10 days ago my account was compromised. An account mind you, that I haven't touched in almost a year. And the compromise happened in the middle of the night, a few guildies noticed it and managed to keep the Guild Bank from being completely emptied out.

Before I was even alerted by friends the next afternoon, I had already received emails that my account was locked, and that everything was recovered, all I had to do was goto the secure form to recover the account.

I would just like to thank GM Glaslill for the speedy verification and recovery of my account. (Hey it's easy to see the account was compromised, no activity for 9 months then suddenly being played from China).

I already thanked the quick thinking guildies who saw it and petitioned the compromise for me, but GM Glasslill definately needs a big hug and a platter of cookies for their responsiveness.
#3 - Sept. 29, 2010, 9:56 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I am glad to hear you had such a great experience with Game Master Glasslill, Vespane!

As your fellow players have mentioned, send an email to You should also receive a Customer Satisfaction Survey within the next 24-48 hours. Responses sent to the email and surveys that are answered are reviewed by the In Game Support Supervisors. If you decide to send the email be sure to reference the Game Master as you did here, the issue they assisted you with, and approximately how long ago the event took place. This will allow us to review the petition history on the account if necessary.

Thanks again for letting us know about how awesome GM Glasslill is.