Recovering a hacked account from 6 months ago

#0 - Sept. 18, 2010, 8:43 p.m.
Blizzard Post
So basically I had this account from around April 2009 and I continued playing until February 2010 or so and then quit the game. I came back a couple weeks ago only to find that account was hacked. Email changed, name changed, everything.

So my question is, if I call billing tonight and I have the following information will I be able to get my account back?

Approx creation date.
Phone number.
Account name BEFORE system was introduced.
Email that was added once the change was made.
Secret answer.
List of characters on the account.
Payment methods use (I still have 3-4 game cards lieing around in my bedroom)
IP adress the account was created and played at 99% of the time.

and various other details that I will remember when asked.

So, will I be able to get it back?

Thanks for reading :)
#10 - Sept. 18, 2010, 10:37 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Hi Predåtør,

A bit late on this. As others have mentioned, as long as you can verify the account you should not have a problem recovering the account.The authentication keys will help, however our billing reps do have other ways of verifying that you are the account holder.

Account Services
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