Help Stop In-Game Hatred

#0 - Sept. 18, 2010, 6:29 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Where do I turn now? Where do those of us who ONLY want a pleasurable and positive gaming experience turn to, now that our favorite game/hobby has been turned into a headquarters for intolerance and bigotry. Loudmouth teenagers and young adults threaten, verbally assail, demean and taunt us with limitless impunity. The times we do raise our voices in a group or social setting (Trade, etc.) we are shouted down by their like-minded ilk. These people wear their intolerance and ignorance as a badge on their sleeves, proud of the esteem-shattering insults they've laid onto people that day.

Blizzard has several policies against this, but they are ineffective and watered down. Hatred in the 21st century has found a new breeding ground in our game. Nobody wants to be called these horrible names that are being thrown around on our servers. When I report the offenders, especially the serial offenders, they rally their community of bigots and trolls to attack the one person who has tried to make a positive difference for all of us.

I hear them talking in trade, proud of how they probably made somebody cry. I see them mocking and relentlessly attacking folks of a different opinion/persuasion every time I enter a Random using the LFG tool. If nothing will be done about these folks, then we must stand together and vote with our wallets.

There are more of us than them.

What's even more disturbing is that most group members/fellow players tolerate this behavior, if they're not directly condoning it themselves. You ask for someone to stand up for you and you are then told "No more heals for you" or are exposed to a host of extremely derogatory, profanity laced tirades by the group for "daring" to stand up to them and their tribe. Again, NOBODY will stand up for anybody else, because it's not THEIR problem, or THEY aren't the ones being attacked.

I am going to say here and now that this could be the end of an empire. Mark my words, if swift action isn't taken against these serial offenders/hateful members of the community, good players will leave in droves. It will be a massive exodus away from WoW and nothing will be left except for these insects to wallow in the sorry situation that they themselves both engineered and manufactured.

It's very sad.... to see a game where creativity, punctuality, grammar and astuteness used to matter so much, get flushed down the toilet by hateful, unoriginal, juvenile, ignorant bottom-feeders.

#26 - Sept. 18, 2010, 9:35 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Finnras –

It is apparent you feel quite strongly about your experiences within the game and the conversations that occur within the various channels. We take all reports of harassment, which includes foul language, threats, racial epithets, etc, very seriously when brought to our attention. We cannot follow around each player every minute of every day. That is simply not possible. This is why we reach out to the player base to report anything they feel is against our policies.

Q u o t e:
When I report the offenders, especially the serial offenders, they rally their community of bigots and trolls to attack the one person who has tried to make a positive difference for all of us.

When a player is reported we do not share with them who made this report. The only way for the “rally” to occur would be if you told them they were being reported. I know it can be frustrating having to hold your tongue (or in this case, your fingers) from retaliating when you are obviously upset. Two wrongs do not make a right. Placing the person on your ignore list is also a good rule of thumb.

Q u o t e:
I should have stipulated that if you don't have anything worthwhile to contribute, please don't bother commenting, as this is a subject very dear to me and I am not going to be brushed away by dismissive individuals.

Nipahcdeath & Darsolan were just trying to provide you process in which to report the offenders. I do not believe their intent was to be malicious.

These people have absolutely no excuse, right or valid reason to act like this.
You’re right, they don’t. Which is all the more reason we request our players to report this behavior.

I reviewed the tickets you submitted in regards to this issue. A key thing to remember is not to instigate and add fuel to the fire. This does not to say you did anything of the sort. Reporting the player anonymously and placing them on your ignore list is a great place to begin.

If you feel a change should be made to our Harassment policy, I encourage you and anyone else, to post constructively in the Suggestions Forum.

Best of luck to you.
#42 - Sept. 18, 2010, 10:29 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Since the OP has not returned to the thread to comment on my response I feel it necessary to lock this thread.

If you all have further thoughts of how Blizzard should or should not address harassment please continue the conversation in the Suggestions Forum from here on out: