Vengance Battle Group: Arathi Basin Glitch

#0 - Sept. 22, 2010, 12:40 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Today at 4:18pm PST on the Vengance Battle Group during Random Battle Ground; AB (Arathi Basin) pops up, normal set up everybody talks a bit about what to do to ensure we win while buffs are goign out.

At the moment when the system says 30secs to battle one of our team mates notices that we are 5capped alread and with 5 seconds left we all can see 15 alliance members at farm waiting for us.

Through quick acting and planning we ensured to not have that happen; though we still lost, but we lost to a glitch not to another side having better team work then us, and as such I opened a GM ticket as well to cover all bases on this issue and gettign ready to submit an email as well.
The big issue is that it was not 1 or 2 people or a handful of players, it appeared to be all 15 of them abusing the glitch.

Any feed back and thoughts on what to do will be great, and thank you in advance everyone!
#3 - Sept. 22, 2010, 1:18 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

The big issue is that it was not 1 or 2 people or a handful of players, it appeared to be all 15 of them abusing the glitch.

Unfortunately people jump on the cheating bandwagon all to easily. :(

Our Developers hope to have the exploit they are using resolved in an upcoming patch, in the meantime please report any player that you believe to be exploiting in this manner and it will be looked into and appropriate actions taken.