Petition for talents

#0 - Sept. 24, 2010, 7:23 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I have been doing my research on what blizzard would like to do to the talent trees, it is however in my honest opinion that this will be detrimental to the community. The reason why i say this is because it forces players to follow a cookie cutter for each class and not actually have their own individual character. By forcing players to stay in one tree till its maxed out removes a lot of what the players of World of Warcraft have come to know and love and that is individuality. There are builds that require each tree to have points spent equally in them, while others are made simply to each players taste. Again I say that forcing players to pick a tree and stick to it will cause many of the current player base to quit. We need blizzard to focus on the current players and less on the newer ones, most of this is because the more they focus on the start-up players the more they seem to ignore the "old-timers". I may have only played for 3 months but the talent tree's are something that should not be really messed with, if anything just give players 5 more points to use instead of removing "useless" branches from each tree. those "branches" are a tactical decision based on the players style of game play. If they feel that they do not need the dodge and parry as much because they are simply DPS and do not solo often, then let it be their choice. To all of those who agree
please just leave a post saying signed, and if possible please leave your opinion on this issue.
#3 - Sept. 24, 2010, 7:44 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Morning Tablecloth,

With a bit of rewording this would make a better suggestion on the Suggestions forum.

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