Question about mislooted item

#0 - Sept. 19, 2010, 6:33 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Won an item in ICC25 tonight, but the raid leader accidentally gave it to someone else. the other person decided to keep the item. The ML put a ticket in, but does the other player need to put in a ticket too? They obviously won't do that, am I out of luck? or is the ML ticket enough?
#1 - Sept. 19, 2010, 6:45 a.m.
Blizzard Post
The player was given that item by the Master Looter, Oniana. As such, it has become their property. In order to transfer the item from that player, our Game Masters would require the express permission of the player who currently owns it, in the form of a petition originating from that player.

Unfortunately, our Game Masters are unable to intervene in such "looting disputes." However, if you believe a Scam may have occurred, you are most welcome to submit a petition regarding the issue for investigation. I've also provided some information below regarding this topic that you may wish to read over if you have further questions.

Scam Policy

What is Blizzard Entertainment's stance on "ninja looting" within the World of Warcraft?
#5 - Sept. 19, 2010, 7:07 a.m.
Blizzard Post
If it provides some light on the issue, Oniana, there is a confirmation box provided to the Master Looter prior to the loot being distributed.

In many cases where confirmation is required, or an alternative way to correct the issue has been provided without staff assistance (in this case, the 2-hour trade option), our Game Master staff may not be able to intervene. There is a certain level of responsibility on the Loot Master, as well as on those who agree to that player controlling all loot in that raid by deciding to stay a part of that raid.