Character deleted

#0 - Sept. 22, 2010, 7:15 a.m.
Blizzard Post
So apparantly I have a character that was deleted. The name was Candlejack, but with special characters. I honestly dont remember which ones. Sucks.

Anyways, I guess it was deleted? I havent gone to get it lately, but I was going to log onto him just now and level him and realized that I no longer had the character. wtf? I think my brother did it to mess with me.

What can I do to get the character recovered?
#5 - Sept. 22, 2010, 7:31 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Hi Ananaias,

Flatspriest is correct.
Q u o t e:
You can open an in-game petition and ask that it be restored. You would need the exact character name, realm, class, race, level, and approximate time of deletion. Also note that depending on how long ago the character was deleted, it might be unrecoverable.

1-30: Deleted after two months.
31-49: Deleted after four months.
50 and above: Never deleted.
Additionally, if you have recently logged on to that character you may be able to find the exact name by checking your \World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\<account name>\<Realm> folder.