Download Patch. Password broken...

#0 - Sept. 19, 2010, 12:06 a.m.
Blizzard Post
So, I downloaded the patch using the fix running as admin etc. And now I can't log in because it says that my password is wrong. I can't get my password through email because it says that my email account is wrong...
#2 - Sept. 19, 2010, 12:14 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I took a quick glance over your account and I'm afraid this situation is likely unrelated, Lshade. I suspect there may be some suspicious access occuring. Please read through and follow the steps provided in this information, and preferably, as swiftly as possible:

Account Hacked? Security Issue? Look Here! Account Security Awareness

Account and Computer Security Authenticator
#5 - Sept. 19, 2010, 12:25 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
If my account is compromised ingame, why can I still post in the forum?

If you are a frequent poster, I suspect that your log in information is cached in your browser, which is allowing you to post (as you did not need to log in again).

Q u o t e:
All I'm asking is is there any useful way to actually get my account back, rather than be frazzled for the next half hour while I try to call, endlessly try to reset my password, or deleting my account all together and losing all my hard work?

You are welcome to submit a petition to our Game Masters via e-mail at if you are unable to do so via in-game submission. I strongly advise this course of action.

Q u o t e:
Edit: Why would it be unrelated if it happened directly after applying the patch?

I am suggesting that it is likely a coincidence that these two events occurred in a short period of time. Correlation versus causation, if you will.

I provided the information I gave you so that you have the option to take extra precaution, or to view some other security advice that you may not have considered before. While I will always stress that you can never be too careful, these are merely suggestions and not requirements.