Blizz Xferred my main to another acc't

#0 - Sept. 18, 2010, 4:24 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Been away for over a year, my main level 80 Deneghra on this server and my 72 priest, come to find out AFTER I put time on THIS account had been transferred to my OTHER account with no time on it lleaving me with just this lowly DK.

The other account which I never used was one blizz gave me to make up for a mistake they had made way back then.

They transferred those characters without my knowledge or my permission and after 2 in game petitions and 3 emails, almost a week has gone by.

I still am stuck with this account, a 67 (now 69) DK and both my main characters i came back to play in no man's land.

I would be happy to have my paid time card transferred to that account or return my 2 main character to the original account WHERE I LEFT THEM IN THE 1st PLACE!

This is quite frustrating and I'm paying for time I'm not getting to use on the characters I intend to play, while waiting endlessly for this to be repaired.

I didn't pay for or ask to have 2 characters transferred to another, dead account while I was away.
#16 - Sept. 18, 2010, 11:29 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Zemo, I'm afraid this is not an issue I would be able to provide clarification on, especially not in a public venue like forums. You will need to contact our Billing & Account Services department for additional assistance. I understand it can be frustrating waiting on the phone, but hanging up when an answer may have only been a couple of minutes away and e-mailing, which may take up to a day or longer, does not seem like it would be ideal for your situation. We do ask for your patience with these things and do appreciate your understanding.

Billing & Account Services

Hours: 7 AM to 8 PM Pacific Standard Time

How to contact:
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In the mean time, I might advice reviewing our information regarding Account Compromises. There is simply no reason for us to move one of your characters from one account to another, especially without your consent - but it can be a common occurrence on compromised accounts, even if it's just to another account on your

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