Account hacked i think

#0 - Sept. 16, 2010, 7:34 a.m.
Blizzard Post
So i got an email two days after re activating my account saying my account was frozen for three hours and i needed to reset my password and when i got back on the game today all my items and gold are gone for my main character is there anything i can do to recover these items or get a refund for my reactivation cause there is no way i am go to waste my time to try to get all that back
#3 - Sept. 16, 2010, 8:27 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
So i got an email two days after re activating my account saying my account was frozen for three hours and i needed to reset my password and when i got back on the game today all my items and gold are gone for my main character is there anything i can do to recover these items or get a refund for my reactivation cause there is no way i am go to waste my time to try to get all that back

The 3 hours was because your account was used to spam. Likely - right after they stripped it.

What is essential at this point is making sure both your system and your email are secure. Somehow - these people got hold of your password and ID. If they still CAN get it again, they WILL be back.

We regularly assist players that find themselves in this position, but it does very little good to restore an account if a compromiser can get right back into it. I recommend reviewing the links below - and reporting this ingame as soon as possible.

This sticky may be useful.
Account Hacked? Security Issue? Look Here!

You may also want to look into getting an authenticator for your account. It's no substitute for good security habits, but it will help keep them out of your WoW account.

Blizzard Store

Mobile Authenticator