You have entered too many instances recently.

#0 - Sept. 21, 2010, 11:55 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I am getting the error message on at least 2 toons that "You have entered too many instances recently." when I try and do the weekly which for my server is Flame Lev in Uldar.

On this toon I have only done the Beerfest boss 1 time today and no other instances. If this hidden instance limit is account wide now than thats really hindering my play. In any case there is no way I have reached it unless its been lowered to stupid low number.
#10 - Sept. 22, 2010, 1:53 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Why would any believe random people that troll forums? If you are not a Blizzard employee and can post in blue text, then No im not going to listen to you. Thanks for trolling.

I don't think that means what you think it means, Powersurge. Many of those who post here, indeed who have posted in this thread are doing so to help their fellow player.

Trolling means something else entirely and does not apply to this situation. You can either chose to believe them or not but it is usually best not to name call as that is something that would be considered trolling.

Now in the case of the event runs where you are taking out Coren it seems that players are able to do this multiple times on a singular character or even across several alternates but once they attempt to do other instances they seem to be receiving the instance limitation message.

Our Quality Assurance team is aware of that and is looking into it. Overall the system is working as intended though it may be allowing more attempts on Coren within a one hour period then originally intended.

#14 - Sept. 22, 2010, 2:09 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

working as intended? OH NOES!

As far we are aware, yes. I'm attempting to get more information, because it does look like using the Dungeon Finder system does seem to allow you to do more instances per hour but doesn't allow you to access raid dungeons without waiting that hour.

I hope that makes sense. :)
#16 - Sept. 22, 2010, 2:16 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Is this the way the system was intended to work, is is WoW broken because it is patch day?

Yes. That is how it is intended to work but as I said using the Dungeon Finder to run these instances does appear to allow you to do more than 5 in an hour. If you attempt to enter another instance, such as the VoA 10, your tally is still 5+ for the hour, so you are prevented from entering.
Q u o t e:

And of course, as I post this message, the Blizz Rep explains it. XD

#19 - Sept. 22, 2010, 2:38 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I assume it is the Dungeon Finder tool itself, Maeby, but I am making inquiries.
Q u o t e:

If you run 5 Direbrews in a row, are you able to queue for a heroic instantly, and would it lock you out when you are prompted to enter?

I'm not entirely certain. I believe as long as it takes place within the Dungeon Finder tool then you'll be able to enter, if you attempt to do an instance outside of it, such as ICC or another instance and you had done 5 instances within an hour you'll get that message.
#32 - Sept. 22, 2010, 5:02 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Are you saying it's intended that you can circumvent the system with the dungeon finder? And that's it's intended that raids be applied to this?

It is intended that you are only able to enter 5 instances in an hour, Bougar. Currently the Dungeon Finder is allowing you to continue entering which is likely not intended but I don't have further information at the moment on it.

Beyond that, Bougar, if you wish to see the system changed in some manner you'll want to post in the Suggestion forum.

If additional information is provided to me I will be happy to pass it along.
#37 - Sept. 22, 2010, 7:01 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Here's the deal, Powersurge. These forums are here for players to discuss the game with others. This is not a substitute petition system and not designed for you to have a one on one conversation with an In-Game Support or Technical Support representative.

Yes, there are members associated with both aspects of the company that moderate the respective forums and we address what threads we are able, though we by no means are able to address each and every thread nor are we required to.

If you wish to have a private discussion with a Game Master you may submit an in-game petition or e-mail Though they may not always be able to get to your issue while you are still online if you provide enough information in your e-mail/petition they will certainly see what can be done regarding your request.

If you feel a petition was not adequately addressed you are welcome to write to Your e-mail will be forwarded to the appropriate supervisor who will review the matter.

Technical Support also has better methods of contact if a forum post does not provide the support you are looking for. Methods of contact can be found here:

Q u o t e:
You waste Blizzards time since they now have to read your thoughts on the matter, that don’t matter. You waste my time since I now have to wait for Blizzard to read all your garbage.

Except, Powersurge, you were the one that created the thread, on a subject that has been responded to several times over the last few days. Now that is not to say that we are not happy to provide what assistance we can but since you are belittling the efforts of your fellow players I feel it important to point out that this entire thread could have been prevented by using the search function. Thus saving your time as well as mine and of course the time of those who's experience and information you find no value in.

I believe this thread has derailed from the original topic and has been sufficiently addressed.