
#0 - Sept. 24, 2010, 10:41 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Had my guild bank ninja'ed by one of my officers. The problem was taking care of by Junadier which i was very grateful for. Along with the items was a letter stating the the officer had his account compromised and had no control of the actions that took place. I then replied to the TT with a thank you and a simple question asking was his account compromised for sure, or was it a BS story that he came up with. The reason behind my asking is simple. Is this person someone I can let back in the guild or did he purposely rip off the guild and used the "I was hacked card" .. Instead of getting a answer I get a generic in-game mail from customer service talking about master loot ninja's and your policy's about it. Which goes without saying has nothing to do with my problem. Seeing that we the players pay for the game, expansions, time-cards (some of us in multiples due to having family that plays) Is it to hard to get prompt customer service? That actually gives information rather then giving answers as its off a screen prompt. On a daily basis we deal with things that are against your ToS, we put in trouble tickets and we sit there going on playing waiting 8+ hours or even days waiting to get a response. Just to be told "We will investigate it, but we will not be able to tell you the outcome." it's like saying STFU and move on. Something needs to be done with the policy.
#2 - Sept. 24, 2010, 10:47 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Well, I do apologize that the answer didn't seem to fit your question.

The largest issue with your petition was it contained the word Ninja. We don't recognize that word here - and it tends to generate that response :)

As to your question, we aren't at liberty to discuss another player's account.

I might recommend, however, that you insist that anyone with any sort of bank access prove they have an authenticator for their account.