General Refresher Question on BoAs(`Looms)

#0 - Sept. 19, 2010, 1:15 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I've searched google/forums for topics regarding Realms and Heirlooms, and most were out of date and had a bunch of mumbo-jumbo, so my state is as follows(not a question, but a statement seeking True/False w/ Explanations):

-Heirlooms can only be cross-faction mailed on the realm it resides on. (True)

-Heirlooms cannot be transferred to other realms on your account without a paid char transfer. (True/False)

With those said, do you HAVE to pay for a char transfer of $25.00 USD to send 1 measly character with the heirlooms to another realm, or can GMs just do it for free? I guess not since the greedy lose their profit, you the community give options/answers to update this for me. Much accpreciated people.
#5 - Sept. 19, 2010, 2:01 a.m.
Blizzard Post
While it has been hinted that cross-server Bind on Account items is a feature we would like to implement in the future, I'm afraid I have no news regarding that information at this time. For now, the only way to transfer a Bind on Account item across servers is to utilize a Paid Character Transfer to move a character with those items.

Our Game Masters are not able to provide this service at this time. I do apologize for any inconvenience, but if you feel this is something that should be provided, you are most welcome to post your thoughts or ideas in our Suggestion Forums, where the request can be read by our developers and policy makers who have the power to make these changes. >^.^< We value your voice, so please take advantage of those forums whenever you can!