Help, Im phased in Durotar Undercity and more

#0 - Sept. 17, 2010, 2:31 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I could use some help, I am out of phase in Durator Undercity and a few other zones.

I have been searching the helps looking for which quest I need to do but I can seem to find any that I can do.

I have been at this a few weeks now doing all the quests I can find to try to get myself back into phase.

If any GMs might be able to tell me which quest i need to do to get back in phase I would appreciate it.

Thank you

#2 - Sept. 17, 2010, 3:23 a.m.
Blizzard Post
It appears you need to pick up the quest 'Reborn from the Ashes' from Lady Alextrasza (the large dragon version) at the Wrathgate, Dorteler.

Best of luck to you. =)