Is telling someone the forums rules bannable?

#0 - Sept. 16, 2010, 8:19 p.m.
Blizzard Post
If you lightly remind someone what the rules are on the forums is that a bannable offense? I am not talking about previous action taking on people or anything along those lines. Simply, telling a poster that making a title in all caps is actionable to discussing certain topics is actionable.
#5 - Sept. 17, 2010, 2:29 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
As said, it's not against any forum rules, BUT be careful how you do it so it doesn't lean toward trolling. Just as an example, someone who never posts anything on the forums except to jump in every time a thread is created with all caps in their title to say "Don't be stupid and use all caps - you should be forum-banned for it." - that would lean it toward the trolling side rather than just a fellow forum-goer trying to help.


Specific to this forum, one thing that I find really helps is to make sure to be providing some sort of helpful response to their question or concern - not just posting to tell them to fix something about their post. It can be really frustrating to someone who is already upset, scared, angry, whatever emotion, to have the first few "replies" be nothing but "fix your post". Focus on giving them the useful information, with the advice on the Forum Code only a quick comment.

I don't think I could have said it better, Eilethalua. <3 Always remember the focus should be to be constructive, as long as you do that you should be fine. :)
Q u o t e:

For example, if someone posts a topic in all caps, I would mention to the OP, "Be aware that forum mods frown on creating new threads in all caps. I'd highly suggest editing your post as it more than likely will get deleted or locked and can get you a forum suspension." That would not be considered trolling as someone mentioned earlier would it?

Not usually, no. Though as Eilethalua pointed out, if you have a history of just jumping into a thread to chastise others on the Code of Conduct that may start to venture into the realm of trolling. :)