Account-To-Account Transfer Question

#0 - Sept. 1, 2010, 11:48 p.m.
Blizzard Post

I perused the FAQs and I couldn't find something that specifically answered my question.

I'm planning on transferring my 80 Hunter from her current account to my secondary account. My first account (the one she's on currently) is all standard games. The account I'm transferring her to has the Collectors Edition Burning Crusade and regular other games (both are at Wrath level)

My hunter has the Blizzard Bear, Corehound Pup, Mr. Chilly, Pandaran Monk, and the Warbot. I also have the Celestial Steed. I also have several account-related Achievements (feats of strength).

1) will I keep everything when I transfer or will some of those be taken away from me?
2) will my Hunter receive the Netherwhelp when she is transfered to the account with the CE Burning Crusade?

Thank you
#4 - Sept. 2, 2010, 12:55 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Hi Niantae,

As Nala mentioned, some items are Bind on Account (BoA) and others are bound to your character.
Q u o t e:
1) will I keep everything when I transfer or will some of those be taken away from me?
Here is what the carácter would keep:

Celestial Steed - No
Blizzard Bear - Yes
Corehound Pup - Only if the second Warcraft account is on the same account or the second account has an authenticator attached.
Mr. Chilly - Only if the second Warcraft account is on an eligibleble account.
Pandaran Monk - No
The Warbot – Only if the second Warcraft account is on the same account
Q u o t e:
2) will my Hunter receive the Netherwhelp when she is transfered to the account with the CE Burning Crusade?

Let me know if you have any additional questions.