Grant a Level not working....

#0 - Sept. 9, 2010, 9:22 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I know the stipulations...

Q u o t e:
Are there are any restrictions on granting levels?
1. Levels may only be granted to characters on a veteran account by characters on a linked recruit account
2. Levels may only be granted to characters of the same faction and on the same realm
3. Levels may not be granted to characters over level 59
4. Levels may not be granted to characters of equal or higher level
5. Levels may not be granted once a 90-day account link breaks
6. Levels may not be granted to veteran characters with XP gains disabled.

With this, once a level is granted, it may not be used again. For example: If a recruit character possessed 15 "grantable" levels and provided 10 to a veteran character, only 5 would remain for future use.

My issue is I have the recruit account Bagochips lvl 22.
The veteran account Epiphanyone lvl 2.
Same Faction both horde.

Recruit trying to give the veteran account lvls and we are standing next to each other in party with the Grant a Level Highlighted. When you select it does nothing.

I know there are several topics on this and I read several of them. But none of them help me out so far.

Thanks in advance.
#2 - Sept. 9, 2010, 9:40 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Have you tried doing a full UI reset?
