Mining Bots out of control

#0 - Sept. 8, 2010, 3:18 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I play on Arthas and the mining bots are absolutely out of control and absolutely unenforced as far as I can see. They are SO easy to see. I have reported them all, the same guys, for MONTHS now. This morning I reported no less than 18 mining bots in wintergrasp alone. I have gotten the same ole song and dance letters about how hard it is to track them, and how they watch suspects and follow the gold trails so they can shut down 'gold farming rings' en masse. So what, the real gold farmers just buy new accounts and off they go. Im not saying they don't need to be handled that way, but it also shouldn't be hard to figure out who the regular players doing it are, and ban them. Want to know why Saronite sells for 12g/stack? Bots. No self respecting player that actually take the time to EARN the ore is gonna bother for 12g/stack.

I am a veteran MMO player, and if this continues here is what will happen. The farmers and the ppl that buy from them will ruin the game for the majority that do not run bots. If I find an epic early game that is BoE, and put on the AH for 20k g, some farmer will buy it. Will the guy that has spent literally weeks of rl time putting 5k g together get it? No.

Such flagrant exploitation going unenforced for so many months has me ready to quit.

Ok now the trolls can all say QQ just play the game and ignore them.
#13 - Sept. 8, 2010, 11:56 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Your fellow players have offered excellent perspective on this issue, Vivisector. In fact, they have said pretty much precisely what I would have, had I been the first to respond to this thread.

Please don't dismiss someone's answer simply because it lacks 'blue text.' Those who post here in good standing are quite often just as informative as any of us 'Blues' and, in some cases, more so. =)