Getting error during faction change

#0 - Sept. 14, 2010, 4:55 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Been trying to change factions as well as a realm change for 2 days . keep getting a error saying theres mail in or incoming to my mail box. I empted mail and all mail from toons that i thought could influance him. i sent ticket in game yesterday they replyed with mail saying they would look into it but could not inform me on the outcome. today still same problem ;( . i changed a toon on my sons acount with no problems so i know im doing everything right please help. thanks
#3 - Sept. 14, 2010, 5:09 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
thanks for the fast responce i reported some spam email awhile back like a month or so ago. ok if thats the problem how do i delete the email? were do i go? thought only a gm could do that

In some cases the spam mail remains invisible and therefore you won't be able to clear it manually, it is usually returned to sender within 30 days but that doesn't help you now. You can usually submit an in-game petition, like you have, and see if I Game Master can clear it. :)

I was able to clear it for you though so you should be set. I also closed out your petition to avoid any confusion.

#5 - Sept. 14, 2010, 5:16 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
wait i dint report and spam mail i reported spam from a guy in the chat window trying to get me to go to his website so he could hack my account :)

The mail doesn't have to be reported by you for it to get ignored, that is rather the point of the report spam feature. To not only address such spam reports but to prevent other players from being subjected to the same message. :)