#0 - Sept. 13, 2010, 5:57 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Post your bugs here so it's cleaner on the forums and so people don't have to post the same things. I'm just copy pasting everything.

1. Hunter pets pull multiple targets when they growl.

2. Dead zone is larger.

3. Paladin's Devotion Aura and Hammer of Justice don't show up in the trainer pane in the starter zones.

4. Crusader Strike sometimes goes off cooldown and let's you swing again. (Or am I imagining things)

5. In the draenei starting zone Ammen Vale and Durator, the only ability the shaman trainer has to offer
is Felsteed at level 20

6. Relentless Strikes giving double energy returns.

7. Ghost Gryphons when dead is at a very low speed around 60%.

8. Vampiric Blood gives 40% healing bonus, but 0% maximum health bonus. (THIS IS A GLYPH)

9. Abomination's Might doesn't give the buff and it overwrites Blessing of Might.

10. Heroic Solace of the Fallen went from 18 MP5 stacking 8 times to 18 Spirit stacking 8 times.
11. Normal Solace of the Fallen went from 16 MP5 stacking 8 times to 32 Spirit stacking 8 times

12. Water does not render.

13. All Badges are now turn into Points which have not scaled appropriately to the new prices.

14. Northrend PVP wendors missing.

15. Elwynn Forest is missing quests.

16. Bane of agony does nothing.

17. Curses stack

18. Banes stack

19. Burning embers damage cap does not work

20. Doomguard animations do not work (and his damage is pathetic)

21. Attempting to erase a major glyph that was converted into prime with vanishing powder consumes the power and does not remove the glyph. Overwriting the glyph will work and also consume vanishing powder.

22. Not sure if this affects everyone, but clicking a soulwell with a healthstone in your inventory crashes the client. Happened to me in H nexus, not sure if it happens everywhere.

23. Nether Ward appears in the spellbook with a note to see your trainer. Nether ward is a talented spell that transforms shadow ward.

24. Blood Plague can crit, frost fever cannot. No idea if this is intended or not. (not in t9 4pc)

25. Hunter can't summon first pet in the list.

26. But, for me, sometimes when i'm in WSG, my Death Grip has no cooldown. I don't know if it was because of latency, but I was able to death grip someone 3 times in quick succession. The bug has happened three times to me. It happens randomly, but all three cases have happened in WSG.

27. I'm not sure if its a bug or not, but you can refresh living bomb on targets before their duration ends.

28. There must be a sniper north of thunder bluff, cause people keep dropping dead out there for no reason.

29. For Disc Priest... Every time Power Word: Barrier disappear when I cast Shield while inside the barrier...

30. Started a Gnome mage and was able to run around the entire zone with the "trainer window" open and train without going back to the trainer as long as I didnt close the window.

31. I'm up to level 7 as a mage with no difference in quest progression but something I did notice is that a lvl 80 priest giving me fort caused me to have like 1700 hp at level 6. Fort no longer scales with level.

32. Shaman: Tidal Waves stacks are not being consumed.

33. Renew's Chakra state doesn't lower the global cooldown of Renew like it is supposed to do.

34. If you move Holy Word: Chastise around on your bars while it is transformed by Revelations (i.e. Holy Word: Sanctuary in the Prayer of Healing Chakra state), it never reverts back to Holy Word: Chastise when your Chakra ends. You can't cast the spell unless you enter the same Chakra state or pull the button back to your bar from your spellbook.

35. Cautarize kills fire mages after they lose a duel

36. Glyph of the Monkey turns players into an Ape, not a monkey.

37. You cannot blink out of the Felguard's Axe Toss stun effect.

38. Mana gem tooltip says they still have 3 charges, but they disappear after one use.

39. Glyph of Fireward still exists, but Fireward does not.

40. Blazing Speed is now proccing off some spells -- do spells count as "ranged" now, or is this a bug?

41. Ritual of Refreshment cancels instantly and begins cooldown without doing anything.

42. Certain Glyphs, like Conflagrate, appeared as learned Prime Glpyhs in my spell book but remained glyphed in my Major Glyph slots.

43. Every time Burning Embers ticks damage, your imp sees it as a new attack and goes to re-engage the target even if you've told it to stop attacking. It is extremely hard to get an imp to stop attacking anything once he's hit it once. You pretty much have to spam ctrl-1 for 5 seconds straight.

44. Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure some talents from live are being transferred over to your PTR copy depending on what spec you were on live when the transfer initiated. For example; my hunter that is specced BM on the PTR is getting Master Tactician procs - a survival talent on live.

45. Mulgore: Certain areas in mulgore kill you instantly when entering.

46. I had a bug where insect swarm wasn't at the trainers in Darn (haven't tried other trainers yet) but the spell in my spellbook said that it was available at the trainer.

47. Feral Attack power is not available ilvl 277 staff gives less ap than one of my ilvl 200 staffs the weapons do not scale at all

48. idols/relics/sigil are all kinds of messed up. wrong stats (like INT on a dk sigil) and wrong class restrictions( shaman class restriction on a druid idol) on several of them

49. you can not keybind to mouse buttons, scroll wheel, scroll up, scroll down, thumb buttons.

50. unleashed rage is not granting bonus AP to the shaman that is specced into it. it is however working for party/raid.

51. Telling a level 10 Felguard to Felstorm a level 10 mob gives a 'Target is too low level' error.

52. Major professions cannot be opened. The button to open them is not in the spell-book under professions.

53. A bug allows either permanent or very limited flying in Azeroth

54. All 310% epic flying mounts are now 280% speed.

55. The Blistering Steamragers in HoL have a problem with their model.
Upon death their 'body' stays in a frozen and the orb that is their corpse is also under them

56. Shadow Priest Talent Sin and Punishment is not reducing the cooldown of Shadow Fiend when
Mind Flay critically hits as it supposed to.

57. As an MM hunter, when you get free aimed shot, the aimed shot button lights up for less then a second sometimes, and for the full duration of <fire> sometimes. Needs to be fixed so we can know when we need to hit aimed shot.

58. My imp had bloodlust buff... "TIME REMAINING 6 DAYS" yea lol.

59. I saw an Okay geared warlock crit for 74k with Drain Soul...Not sure if its a bug but something in my pants cried when i saw it.

60. Running Eyefinity ATI 5850. Random regular crashes anytime I attack a mob ability or not. Max time attacking without crash 4 minutes.

61. Only thing that I noticed is the client crashing every couple minutes in WSG

62. Death Knight - Runeforging - Unable to open the Rune Window to forge your weapon for the Preparing For Battle quest on a level 55 DK in their starting area. (Not sure if this extends to 80 DKs, that's the reasoning behind the pinpointing.)

63. Tier 2 mage shoulders display is bugged

64. Slam does not actually do any damage if you cast it while moving. Cast bar pops up and completes, and you do the attack animation, but no damage is done. Happens to both talented and untalented versions.

65. The Blood and Thunder talent in warrior protection tree does not work properly. It will only apply rend to other targets if they are virtually on top of the player (just being in melee range doesn't always work), and the refresh portion of the talent does not occur if rend has around 1.5 seconds left on duration.

66. Razor Hill warrior trainer provides no abilities.

67. The conversion from defense to dodge was not enough, all tanks especially shield tanks have lost too much mitigation. (I don't know enough about bear tanks to offer info, so this is just for the plate tanks).

68. Stating the obvious, no professions work except the minors.

69. Tracking things like trainers that are inside even small buildings doesn't show up at all unless you are inside the building.

70. DKs aren't always in the presence that it shows. I was in blood and getting crit, went from blood to frost, back to blood and then I got the bonuses from being in blood, including the extra health.

71. Rune regeneration seems to be VERY slow and makes DK tanking extremely difficult, and nearly impossible to save people from random pulls.

72. Dark Command doesn't always make the mob focus on you even if it is targeting someone else, this seems to happen most on pulls where someone face pulls a second group or walks ahead of the tank and face pulls.

73. Threat as a whole is very low... TOO low. I think I am doing 3-5k less threat per second than on live. I did spend time to look at the new abilities and play with them.. this conclusion comes from extended testing.

74. Unidentifiable Organ from 10 man Professor Putricide lost all of its armor and gained nothing. The proc did not change.

75. Blood Pact indicates a specific amount of health in the ability (the action bar), but actually only grants a smaller portion of stamina.

76. Flying into Wintergrasp (Horde, don't know about Alliance) makes you swim in the air. Note, this is only upon actually entering the Wintergrasp zone. Flying out does cause the same issue, once you leave the official Wintergrasp zone, once again you are "swimming."

77. If you fly though through the outland half of the dark portal on your flying mount, you will be able to fly in the blasted lands on your flying mount.

78. Hammer of wrath glows when you are targeting yourself (or targeting noone) when you are below 20% health.

79. Troll Hunter pets (possibly others) will sometimes randomly attack mobs even while in defensive or passive mode.

80. Im Shadow but in the spellbook on the General Tab on my Mastery it says I have the Holy mastery Echo of Light. I did check with another Spriest and it was the same for them as well.

81. burning embers ignores dispersion

82. I've noticed no buff, debuff on my target or damage increase with 2/2 Find Weakness (Subtlety tree, Rogue)

83. Didn't read the entirity of the post, but these are the same abilities now.
Horn of Winter = Battleshout
Commanding Shout = Fortitute
Kings = Mark


84. Not sure if it was mentioned but Hand of Gul'dan w/ Cremation talents does not refresh immolate on the target

85. The Elekk that you get for the Kessel Run quest in Bloodmyst Isle has a 60% swim speed buff instead of a 60% run speed buff.

86. Uleashed rage do not apply to tha shaman that have it, but does apply to the party/raid

87. the Bloodthirst heal component bug still stands - only works if you're on a transferred character. This speaks to something wonky going on, and needs analyzing.

88. If you let the timer expire on "Release Spirit" your body teleports to the spirit healer.

89. Not sure if it should be listed as a bug or not, but it is possible to crit with Shadow Word: Death hard enough that you lose more than your maximum health, even with damage reduction talents for SW:D backlash. Verified on two separate characters. Very hard to proc correctly and recreate solo, but the fact that it can happen means that it will need to be addressed. With full raid buffs, this could become a common occurance.

90. Even though I have dual spec already with my shaman, it gives me the option to learn it again. I learn it and then I can't click on anything. I have to reload the client to get items to respond to me.

91. Occasionally Raging Blow will only hit with one weapon instead of both when dual wielding.
This lasts until you switch targets.

92. On live, if charges of your mana gem have been used, conjuring another gem will fill the charges back up to three. On the PTR, conjuring one does nothing unless you've used your current gem up.

93. Divine Purpose is very slow. I have tried using addons that track Holy Power and they don't work any faster than the blizzard Holy Power bar.

94. When Jumping with a flying mount in Azeroth, the wing animation on drakes will freeze in an "open" position for a few seconds. this only happens when jumping in a direction, then letting go of the movement key before landing.

95. The GCD Spell Queue can not be turned off

96. Characters that are transferred over from live realms still have their Glyphs inscribed. In some cases, this allows a player to have 2 versions of the same glyph(A Major and a Prime). In the case of Glyph of Death Coil for Death Knights, both glyphs are giving bonuses.

97. O.o You can get rested while a ghost. I don't remember this being possible before.

98. Warlock's infernals are immune to fire damage, Blizzard has stated that they are removing immunities to magic from elementals.

99. Not sure why this is happening but my succubus has a 15 day cd summoning stun and i cant remove it. couldn't find any information about it.

100. Incite (Protection Warrior talent) is not always causing the next Heroic Strike to crit or consuming the buff.

101. Crusader Strike is not applying the Seal of Truth effect on attack.

102. Recently on Broxigar, US PVP, we decided to make a War Games battle between two Horde teams. We queued for random and got dumped into Warsong Gulch. When the battle started, we all ran out to the middle and were dumbfounded when we found everyone had green names. There were no enemies. The game still thought that all Hordies are friendly to each other which wasn't the case in that scenario.

103. Character animations while moving are bugged out. Animations are not able to be played and the bottom torso is independent of the top now