Faction Transfered - Now No Icecrown Dailies

#0 - Sept. 9, 2010, 11:29 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I faction transfered from Horde to Alliance. Previously, I had completed all the quests in Icecrown prior to transfering. Now, I can't see/pick up the Icecrown dailies off the alliance icecrwon boat.

I started the Ebon Knight quests and that cut me off halfway through the Vykrul arena.

I tried restarting the Argent Crusade, but there's no one there with a quest.

I've tried searching the forums/fan sites for a way to restart whatever questline I need to get these quests going again...to no avail. Kind of at the last stop here. Anyone have any advice?
#4 - Sept. 10, 2010, 12:04 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Which quests are you unable to pick up, Cheroba?

From what I can see you are running the dailies for the Argent Tournament in order to complete The Valiant's Charge for what looks like Stormwind.

As for the Knights of the Ebon Blade, do you recall which quest you stopped at?
#8 - Sept. 10, 2010, 12:29 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Yep, the quest I needed to restart the quests on the Alliance Gunship was "The Skybreaker." Someone should come up with a list of starting quests after a faction transfer to help breadcrumb people back to their questlines. :)

I would like to look into this more as I believe I can get it resolved. Though I should warn you any progress you have made with Argent Tournament will be reset, but you should be able to progress normally after that.

If you could log out of the character and let me know when you have done so. You may switch to an alternate character if you wish. :)