Cataclysm CE preorders already sold out?

#0 - Sept. 9, 2010, 10:52 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I tried to preorder a Cataclysm CE at Gamestop today, but was informed that their entire company (not just the store) was maxed out on preorders and couldn't accept any more. I'm aware that some CEs are still available online from places like Walmart, Best Buy and Amazon, but I go to Gamestop because they're the only store near me that will (a) be open at midnight on release day and (b) allow me to preorder and pick up in-store.

So my question is: will more CEs be made available for preorder before launch, and if not, would I be able to upgrade my account from normal Cataclysm to the CE edition at a later date? As in: I would purchase a regular version of the game at midnight on release day, just to begin playing right away, but then purchase the CE later and upgrade my account when it becomes available. I head you could do this on the phone or something.

BTW... can you update all the expansions (and original WoW) to CEs that way? Provided you actually are in possession of a CE key, that is.
#4 - Sept. 10, 2010, 12:50 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Allow me to address your questions individually, Malazee. =)

Q u o t e:
will more CEs be made available for preorder before launch, and if not, would I be able to upgrade my account from normal Cataclysm to the CE edition at a later date?

I'm afraid this is a situation I don't have specific information on at this time. If you would like to consider precedence, there were only finite amounts of all previous Collectors Editions released - some may be easier to find as a larger amount of later expansion CE's were produced compared to the original World of Warcraft. You may also want to consider release date in relation to rarity. =)

If you were to procure an unused Collector's Edition at a later time, you can use that Authentication Key to upgrade your account from a standard edition to a Collector's edition. Please note that this 'overwrites' your original key, and neither key can be used again.

Q u o t e:
BTW... can you update all the expansions (and original WoW) to CEs that way? Provided you actually are in possession of a CE key, that is.

Absolutely. =)