Putting in roughly a ticket a day...

#0 - Sept. 2, 2010, 12:48 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Lately I've been having a severe issue lately. It's gotten to the point now where I feel it is necessary to come to the CS forums here to vent frustrations.

About two weeks ago I went on a farming binge. I have this toon, which is a miner, and another toon that is an herbalist. I've mainly been mining in WG and farming herbs in Storm Peaks. In my farming journey, I've noticed a lot of miners and herbalists using the exploits that allow you to get underground and farm uncontested away from mobs and other players. So I did what any player should do when they encounter these farmbots, report them. I would check my combat log, write the name in a ticket, sometimes 2 or 3 names in one ticket, and send it off. My problem seems to be with the responses I've been getting.

Every ticket has pretty much told me the same thing. "We will investigate the matter and take appropriate actions. However, we can't tell you what action we take." Okay, I understand that. But when I'm reporting the same name for 3 days straight, I figured some action should have been taken by then. I'm sending the same names for 3 or 4 tickets before I don't see their name anymore. I'm curious as to what exactly goes into the investigation process for these players? I just don't see how it could take more than just checking the position of a player on the map, and if they're somewhere they're not supposed to be, dinging them for it. I know that I'm not a GM so I wouldn't know, but I'm curious as to what has to happen before action is finally taken against someone who is obvious to me exploiting the game.

Sorry if this is long winded, but I'm HIGHLY frustrated with this situation and the stock responses I'm receiving to almost every ticket I put in.
#7 - Sept. 2, 2010, 1:04 a.m.
Blizzard Post
As Sunlyght has suggested, there is a lot that goes into how we deal with bots after they are reported. In many cases, it's likely you'll see them a couple more times before we finish our investigations. We look into these issues on a larger scale. In cases like these, it's often better for us to attack the root of the matter rather than the result of it - if that makes sense.

While I wouldn't advise putting in multiple petitions on the same person(s) every day, if you feel it's been an excessively long period of time since the last time you reported them, then submitting a second petition might be warranted.