Account hacked..

#0 - Sept. 1, 2010, 9:18 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Hi there, my account was hacked earlier today. Just letting you know they talked to a GM in game and told them they were hacked, regained all my items and gold, then resold it all twice. Have both e-mails from in game GM saying that it was restored, Havent had the liberty or checking in-game mailbox but i believe it will all be gone. They changed my password but I answered the whole question and changed it. Will let you know later if I got my items in-game at the mai9l-box or not. If necessary feel free to take this off but The GM's name that restored the items was in the e-mail, Erisilwin was their name. Hope you can help and thank you.
#4 - Sept. 1, 2010, 11:36 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Just checked and all my items are in the mail, so someone hacked me, stole all my equiptment and had it restored. How lovely.

It appears there's some miscommunication on what happened in this situation.

The person who illegitimately accessed your account did not request restoration - your situation was brought to our attention by a friend of yours. We do accept reports of unauthorized access from third parties - meaning, if you have a friend who's online and sees your spending all your time in Scholazar mining and never responds, and they let us know, we will forward the account for investigation.

This seems to have been the case. We take great precaution in making sure the account is as secure as possible before we provide restorations. Our compromise restoration queue is very short right now, so a few hour turn around from the time of report is not entirely unheard of, though they are closer to roughly a day.

The restorations you were provided were given because of that report - there were no shenanigans this time. ;) However, I do still recommend reviewing your system and finding the source of your compromise as soon as possible, if you have not done so already.

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