So, why delete Rhumba?

#0 - Aug. 21, 2010, 5:09 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I thought this talent sounded pretty cool, even if just from a flavor perspective.
#2 - Aug. 21, 2010, 7:16 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
So, why delete Rhumba?

We were sad to see this talent go, because we thought it was cool too. However, BM just had too many damage-oriented talents, which was preventing those hunters from being able to pick up the utility or fun talents, which in turn violated a major goal of the talent tree revamps.

Q u o t e:
Blizz has chipped away at the BM tree from its first appearance. Pretty soon there will be nothing left

im still waiting for the cool stuff Blizz said they can now do for the class once they announced the change to Focus

I guess he was just talking about MM and SV

It looks like BM is going to be more boring and flavor less then it is on live im assuming its going to be relegated to being the lvling spec and blizz can use their old philosophy to keep the BM hunter from being viable by saying an easier spec shouldn't do as much dps as a spec with a more complicated rotation

So all you BM hunters who had hope for the spec im sorry but looks like we will have to remain MM come cata if we want to raid and be competitive

Ok im sorry for the QQing I feel a little better and got that off my chest

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