Have gold sellers gone to far?

#0 - Aug. 20, 2010, 3:49 a.m.
Blizzard Post
For about a month Orgrimmar is tainted with level 1 Warlocks making advertisements in the air and on the ground. Having advertisement in trade is ignorable but u cant ignore the constant spam of emotes from the warlocks. I also was on my hunter in durotar when i saw them flying in which looked funny. My questions are why haven't this stopped and have the gold sellers went to far?
#68 - Sept. 10, 2010, 6:39 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Excellent suggestions all, though ones that would be better suited in the Suggestion forum.

As this has been bumped after a month I'll be locking it.
Q u o t e:

On another subject, how they can get away with hacking the game and make themselves fly and whatnot... that's an interesting thing Blizzard should get into.

They are not technically "hacking" they are exploiting in-game mechanics allowing them to perform these functions.

It should be noted that we have recently implemented a means to locate and address these characters while they are advertising, the results are not immediate but they are having a noticeable affect.

Though in most cases reporting this activity is no longer necessary, if you have seen a set of characters advertising for an extended period of time please feel free to submit a petition. Make sure you include keywords such as "Body Advertisement" or "Body Spam" and give a generalized location (i.e. Stormwind Bank, Orgrimmar Auction House).

As previously stated we are working to implement preventative measures and are not entirely happy with just reactionary ones. This is a fairly complicated issue as it is important to prevent this type of exploitation without negatively impacting legitimate players. Thank you for your continuing efforts in keeping your realm free of such behavior.