What Warlocks would like to see answered

#0 - Aug. 10, 2010, 6:33 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Is Fear / Howl of Terror going to be changed so that it is more suitable for crowd control in PvE?

Is Drain Life going too be the new filler for affliction? If so, will there be any changes to talents such as Nightfall, Bane and Shadow and Flame?

Can we expect to see Soulburn : Seed of Corruption baseline? If not, why must we spend a valuable point in an AoE spell that we would most likely only use on trash and not on bosses?

Will Inferno allow you to cast while hellfire is active? If not, what exactly do you have planned for the talent and the spell?

Will Doom Guard and Infernal have talents to increase their performance? If not, will stats such as haste, crit, sp etc affect them?

What exactly is the purpose of Improved Searing Pain if no viable spec can / would Utilize it?

Is Soul Fire planned to be integrated in all specs via Improved Soul Fire?

If Demon Soul is tied to soul shards, what will be the point of using the soul shards for any other ability when Demon Soul would more than likely be the biggest dps increase of the soul shard options?

What exactly is the purpose of Soul Harvest if it is unusable during combat when warlocks would find mid combat ideal to use it?

These are the best and most relevant questions I would ask. If anyone has answers or other questions, please feel free to post.
#2 - Aug. 10, 2010, 6:53 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Fear -- we might add a glyph that slows feared targets to make extra adds less of a risk.

Drain Life -- you should still cast Shadow Bolt as Affliction when you don't need to refresh dots, etc.

Hellfire -- you still must channel it (meaning you can't cast other spells), but you can move while channeling.

Seed of Corruption -- Unless you raid Patchwek and Golemagg a lot, AEs aren't just for trash anymore.

Doom Guard and Infernal -- I don't think we'll reach the point where your damage scales poorly because your long-term cooldowns don't scale well with gear. We're not against scaling their stats. I'm just not sure it will have a noticeable effect.

Soul Harvest -- It's basically a Drain Soul that can be used when there are no souls around. As we've said before, we'd prefer to balance warlocks around average encounter length. Once we provide a way to get shards back in combat, we are concerned that locks will blow their shards on cooldown, and then be unhappy when they have to go into lower dps-mode to generate the shards back. If the model just doesn't work without infinite / renewable shards, then we'll change it, but it's far to early to know whether that is the case.
#4 - Aug. 10, 2010, 6:53 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
WTB glyph of fear that makes targets cower. I've said it many times but one more can't hurt.


Cower or slow, perhaps. We'll see.
#30 - Aug. 10, 2010, 7:30 a.m.
Blizzard Post
The basic Affliction "boss rotation" should still be something like UA -> Corruption -> Bane of Agony -> Haunt -> Shadow Bolt. Haunt refreshes your Corruption through Endless Affliction. Nightfall procs Shadow Bolts. When the target is wounded, you can switch to Drain Soul.

On faster fights, you can go Corruption -> Shadow Bolt -> Drain Soul, or even Shadow Bolt / Searing Pain for very fast fights.

When you need to run you can use Fel Flame.

The general DPCT should be something like this (off the top of my head, so this may not be perfect): Drain Soul (wounded), UA, Bane of Agony, Bane of Doom, Corruption, Haunt, Shadow Bolt, Incinerate, Drain Life, Drain Soul (not wounded).

Most of the Drain Life stuff in the talent tree is to support PvP, leveling or when you need health.

This is all work in progress of course, and not etched in stone.
#33 - Aug. 10, 2010, 7:32 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Hopefully you are talking about this being a minor glyph if it is, in fact, implemented. If I have to blow a major glyph spot on something like this for PvE CC, its no where near worth it. PvP is a different story though.

Bigger topic, but minor glyphs are almost always cosmetic / convenience features for Cataclysm. The big distinction is between prime glyphs (unambiguous dps increases) and major glyphs (utility, survival or very hard to math out dps increases). Under that model, affecting Fear is probably a major.

While we probably won't change every glyph, there is a chance we might, so I ask players not to focus too much on the current LK glyphs.
#130 - Aug. 11, 2010, 3:19 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
GC doesn't even know our highest DPCT spells.

I was on the yacht at the time, so I took a guess, but I verified this morning that the order I posted was correct. Note that I am talking about Cataclysm, not current LK prioritization.

Q u o t e:
Rather silly trolling aside, the point raised about the crit rolling bug is a valid one. My question is if GC and the dev team is aware of this "exploit" when they look at our damage parses and will they adjust accordingly in cata since we will lose this "perk". In case it needs to be explained Buffs on self continue to empower corruption long after they have faded off the caster as long as corr is refreshed and doesnt drop. I.E tricks+4 set+wild magic pot out of the gate rolling for super corruptions for the rest of the fight (or big chunks).

Dots and hots adjust on the fly now when they're refreshed. There is less reason to try and get everything lined up perfectly for big numbers before you cast the spell. You'll be able to game it a little bit for the initial spell duration, but it won't refresh infinitely with the big numbers.

We have to rebalance the entire game anyway given the magnitude of the Cataclysm changes, so don't worry about being penalized for any old mechanics that may no longer be relevant.

Q u o t e:
Why wouldn't they scale with stats? Every other temporary summoned pet scales with stats (to my knowledge). That just seems like lazy design if they didn't and yet another reason why warlocks would not scale as well as other casters (which is the major problem in high-end Wrath gear, see # of records on World of Logs held by Fire mages as a reference). The normal pets already don't scale with mastery unless you're demo.

I verified that they do in fact scale. However, as I said the first time, you are unlikely to even be able to notice one way or the other so this seemed like an odd thing to be concerned about.

Likewise, the amount of dps loss due to pet scaling from a Destro warlock who stacked mastery and a Demo warlock who stacked mastery would probably be on the order of less than 1%.

Scaling is very important, but keep it in perspective. Forum posters have a tendency to over worry about the problem. If you were going to get gear that gave you 10,000 mastery, then the numbers would get out of whack, but that's not going to happen, at least before we rebalance everything again. The scaling only has to last for 3-4 raid tiers. Warlocks not scaling with crit or haste were very real problems. Situational pets not scaling with gear or pets in general not scaling from one secondary stat are going to have pretty small impacts on the numbers.

Q u o t e:
No matter how well you do at balancing warlocks, so long as there is a resource with a finite hard limit, there will always be points where warlocks are broken. Either they are too good on short fights, where their resource is saturated and they can burn through it with impunity, or too terrible on long fights where their resources are too sparse to cover the entire timespan, or both.

Healer mana is completely balanced around encounter length. If we had 30 minute long encounters, this would be a problem, but we don't.

We understand the concern about Demon Soul. We added that based on early feedback that the Soul Shards were too utility focused and might be ignored on the typical boss fights. The design we have at the moment isn't final.
#134 - Aug. 11, 2010, 4:11 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I would like you to also look at soul swap as its a damage loss on most encounters that require target switching due to 2 items it doesn't transfer the debuffs necessary to make it worthwhile and it only really saves a partial GCD (afflictions Bane) while removing Dots from initial target...again i like the general idea but its implementation needs some work IMO.

Yep. It's not there yet, but the basic idea feels sound.
#201 - Aug. 12, 2010, 6:07 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
You said that using a soul shard should be an exciting moment, a "big deal" - and except for the Seed of Corruption one, none of them really feel like that.

That is still the goal, but we don't think just hooking up a big +damage buff or spell is going to feel that way. It will just be done on cooldown without some kind of situational requirement for doing so. We haven't given up on the idea at all, but it's not a trivial one to resolve.
#306 - Aug. 13, 2010, 9:20 p.m.
Blizzard Post
The next beta build (though I would guess the one after that is probably more likely for you guys) will have two important warlock changes, and several talent changes as well: Demon Soul no longer has a shard cost. Soul Link is now a trained ability.