Clever girl...

#0 - Aug. 7, 2010, 5:47 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Just got an email confirming my "faction change".. except I never paid for one. Yep, another clever hacking attempt. To make matters worse, it *appears* that the hackers just copy/pasted an actual faction change confirmation email and inserted their own keylogger urls, as the english and grammar are all correct. (Having never done an actual faction change, I can't say what the actual email looks like.)

I fear they are going to capture a lot of keys with this new attempt, as people open their emails and go "FACTION CHANGE [inappropriate acronym removed] !" *click link*

Someone remind me where I'm meant to forward these emails to... is it
#6 - Aug. 7, 2010, 10:51 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Someone remind me where I'm meant to forward these emails to... is it

Yes, Hansiri, since no one mentioned it....that is the appropriate address to forward phishing e-mails to.

Fake E-mails from "Blizzard Entertainment"