So who else gets Concentration Aura?

#0 - Aug. 8, 2010, 1:22 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Buff homogenization is happening even more in Cataclysm. Plenty of buffs and debuffs have already been spread or redesigned. The plan is proceeding.

As you can see here, the devs have done a pretty good job of spreading the buffs:

Q u o t e:
Here is the raid buff / debuff design as it stands today. I did not include hunter pets or resistance auras. This is not set in stone.

Agility and Strength - DK, Shaman, Warrior
Armor -- Shaman, Paladin
10% AP -- MM Hunter, Enh Shaman, Blood DK, Paladin
Burst Haste -- Shaman, Mage
3% Damage -- BM Hunter, Arcane Mage, Ret Paladin
Health -- Lock (probably Destro), Warrior, Priest
Mana Pool -- Mage, Lock (probably Affliction)
Mana Regen -- Paladin, Shaman, Lock (probably Affliction)
Replenishment -- Shadow Priest, Frost Mage, Survival Hunter, Destro Lock, Ret Paladin
5% Crit -- Fury Warrior, Feral Druid, Subtlety Rogue, Elemental Shaman
20% Melee Attack Speed -- Shaman, Frost DK, Ret Paladin, Survival Hunter
5% Spell Haste -- Shaman, Balance Druid, Shadow Priest, Destro Lock
6% Spell Power -- Mage, Shaman
10% Spell Power -- Ele Shaman, Demo Lock, Fire Mage
5% Stats -- Paladin, Druid

12% Armor Debuff -- Warrior, Rogue, Druid, Hunter
10% Physical Damage Debuff -- Warrior, Druid (probably bear), Prot paladin, Warlock, Blood DK
30% Bleed Damage Debuff -- Arms Warrior, Feral Druid, Subtlety Rogue
30% Cast Speed Slow -- Warlock, Rogue, Arcane Mage
5% Spell Crit Chance Taken -- Fire Mage, Lock (probably Demo), possibly Frost Mage
25% Healing Taken -- Arms Warrior, Fury Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Frost Mage, Shadow Priest
10% Melee Attack Speed Debuff -- Warrior, DK, Feral Druid, Prot Paladin
4% Physical Vulnerability -- Arms Warrior, Combat Rogue, Frost DK
8% Spell Damage Taken -- Warlock, Unholy DK, Balance Druid, Assassination Rogue

I could be wrong, but I've seen no mention of Concentration Aura being spread to more classes. I'm aware that Concentration Aura is possibly more in the realm of utility than buff, but even things like Soul Stones are being looked at in the hopes of making them more comparable to Druids' battle rez.

In fights where there is pushback, Concentration Aura could provide significant dps gains to casters (as well as better healing for the healers). It seems as though Concentration Aura has been overlooked (or I just missed the memo) when it comes to the homogenization list.

So, who else should get it?

Should it be the Warlocks who cover us in a shadowy, protective shroud?
Should it be the Mages who provide the gain, after all, magic is their domain?
Should it be rolled into a Priest buff or added as a new one with something like "Will" or "Spirit" in the name?
Would it make sense for a Druid to have a soothing wind that surrounds the raid?

I don't think that it should be Shamans; we have plenty.

So who do you think should gain the ability to reduce the raid's spell pushback taken (in addition to Paladins)?
#20 - Aug. 8, 2010, 5:14 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Someone else is getting Concentration Aura. Place your bets.