Blizz... clean up the smut!

#0 - Aug. 6, 2010, 3:38 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I think Blizzard needs to take a tougher line on the amount of smutty talk that happens in trade and the names of characters. There is no action taken against players who continually troll trade with nothing but filth. Players running around with awful names.

For example;


I mean, you can continue to report these people, but new ones pop up in their spot and more often.

There needs to be serious consequences for such behaviour.

Edit: names changes cos they are against ToS to post on the forums.
#67 - Aug. 7, 2010, 5:09 a.m.
Blizzard Post
The Report Spam reporting feature was implemented for denizens of a realm to be able to report those who seem to be filling their chat screens with spam as well as a way of quickly dealing with illicit advertisements. Though your singular report is appreciated these devices are much more effective if others on your realm share your sentiment and report as well.

The chat on a realm is affected by how it is viewed. If inappropriate language, spam and other inappropriate content is not reported appropriately then it will likely continue.

There are those of you out there that may not be offended by such behavior, but you should be aware that when you allow the small things to slip by you very quickly attract other elements that you may not be so blasé about. No, it isn't your job to patrol the streets but as a citizen you are encouraged to alert the authorities when you see something that violates the rules. After all, it is your neighborhood.

So please, continue to report any names that you feel violate our policies, we will certainly review the report and take what actions are appropriate, including requiring a name change in some cases.

For harassment, please use the appropriate methods of reporting. If someone is using inappropriate language or subject matter, submit an in-game report. Depending on your realm you may need to actively select which offenses to report, the worst first, etc... it may take awhile but I can guarantee that you will eventually see an improvement. Our In-Game Support staff supports your efforts and will do what we can to review these reports as quickly as possible and get them addressed.

Penalty Volcano

If you wish to see changes to the reporting system and/or how these matters are addressed please post on our Suggestion forum so your feedback can be properly reviewed.

If you wish to continue the discussion regarding this matter you may, I only ask that you remain civil and treat the other posters with respect. Do not provide examples, if they are potentially inappropriate in-game they would be inappropriate here as well.