Authenticator Doesn't Protect You

#0 - Aug. 6, 2010, 10:12 p.m.
Blizzard Post
A friend sent me a scroll of rez so i could come back and try wow again for 10 days. I have an authenticator attached to my account. After doing the installation, patching, etc i started to install addons using a popular addon installer.

Apparently it contained a keylogger that my fail anti virus *cough, Syman, cough* did not detect and as a result i received an email from bliz stating that due to suspected compromise my account was locked for 24 hours until they investigated.

I then scanned my machine with a different anti virus product and sure enough, there was a key logger loged in this addon client.

So i wiped my system completey, reinstalled everything and came back on fresh. Turns out i get an email from bliz support stating they have performed my gold restoration.

So I ask you, how is it that the authenticator that is supposed to protect my account on the off chance my user name / password was key logged allowed someone in far enough to be able to take my gold. If it worked as advertised, no one should be able to get that far.

It seems to me, unless I am missing something, that the authenticator doesn't really work in which case it is being falsely advertised since it won't really protect your account
#91 - Aug. 7, 2010, 12:08 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Greetings all, it seems that a member of our Mod Squad thought your thread fit better in the CS forum so I bid you all welcome. I truly do not have much to add to this discussion as it seems you are all doing fairly well on your own.

I am sorry to hear that your account fell victim to a compromise, Crimsonfire. Though I can not say for certain what happened in your case you likely experienced some form of a man in the middle attack. More information on this type of trojan can be found in the following thread.

Security Awareness: New Trojan[quote]

#99 - Aug. 7, 2010, 12:17 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Folks, please keep it civil. If you have an issue with the information that someone is posting discuss it politely.

Daisyjane, I'm not certain how you would be able to do that, I just tried logging into my account and then my WoW account using the same Authentication code and just a second apart I was unable to log in. I switched it the other way, logging into WoW first then and I received the same response.

That is strange. You are using the physical device, correct?
#106 - Aug. 7, 2010, 12:20 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
It would kind of help if DJ actually owned an authenticator...

It would kind of help, Cedric, if you had facts to back up what you are accusing someone of. You have no idea if a person has an Authenticator on their account or not unless you have access to that account or can visually confirm it when they are logging in.

You don't. I do. :)

I withdraw my previous question, Daisy, it looks like you have a physical device.
#118 - Aug. 7, 2010, 12:56 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Alright, folks. This thread is quickly devolving.
#124 - Aug. 7, 2010, 1:28 a.m.
Blizzard Post
And we're done. Thank you for the attempt, Içe.