An OOX of your own Infomation

#0 - July 29, 2010, 4:19 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Would love inquire about the Quest~~An OOX of Your Own

I remember doing one the quests involved but would like to find out which one(s) I am missing for this toon.

Thank you very much!
#4 - July 29, 2010, 4:48 a.m.
Blizzard Post
If you are having an issue using a particular addon, Nosweetheart, you may want to visit our UI and Macro forum, the folks that hang out there are usually pretty good at troubleshooting those issues.

You should be able to use the following commands to glean a bit of information on your progress but from what I can see it doesn't appear that you have started the quests line on the posting character.

/run f,z=CreateFrame('frame'),{[485]='The Hinterlands',[351]='Tanaris',[2766]='Feralas'};f:RegisterEvent('QUEST_QUERY_COMPLETE')

/run local s,t;f:SetScript('OnEvent',function() t=GetQuestsCompleted();for c,v in pairs(z) do if t[c] then s='' else s=' not' end print('You have'..s,'found OOX in',v) end end);QueryQuestsCompleted()