GDKP ninja/scamming Policy?

#0 - Aug. 3, 2010, 7:08 a.m.
Blizzard Post
-No names will be mentioned in this post-

Q u o t e:
I'm curious as to why the policy regarding GDKP ninjas is so vague. When 24 people report the raid leader who has stated it's a gdkp run, and that gold will be distributed at the end of the run. Why can't the gold be handed out by GMs later? Can GMs no longer access logs to see what happened?
People claim they've received gold in the mail before from resolved issues. However I've just been talking to a GM regarding a recent pot ninja, and they say that gold redistribution won't happen and that may be due to policy changing recently. Hiding the policy behind actions regarding these scenarios only helps the scammers and hurts the game in the long run by possibly losing subscribers or just encouraging more ninjas.

posted by Canarith

Q u o t e:
Actually you are wrong. It is not a do at your own risk thing. Two threads are pertinent to this discussion:

The Game Master staff does not frequently intervene in looting disputes; however, we may provide assistance if a player blatantly attempts to scam others by promising a loot method that is not upheld. Accordingly, I encourage you to speak with raid leaders and master looters before participating in a raid; if they choose a looting method counter to your desires, please respectfully decline the invitation to join their raid. If the looting method is not upheld, open an in-game petition so that our Game Master staff may review the issue further and take appropriate action in accordance with our policies.

Hi Kaytie,

In an incident where a Master Looter fails to maintain such a "cash for drops" agreement and disappears with money belonging to players, we would investigate such an incident as a scam. We would of course recommend that players don't get involved in this kind of scheme and instead attend raids and instances with their friends, guildmates and other trusted players who will not organise such a scheme.

back to me posting.

Q u o t e:
The raid leader <removed> (just incase anyone from Frostmourne is reading this) stated in caps the gold would be distributed at the end of a run. everybody's tickets got escalated in about 15 minutes of us putting them in, one person even talking to a gm within 25 minutes. However according to the GM nothing could be done at the time as the raid was.... 'still in progress'.

Just now however i just saw the same <removed> advertising selling his account in trade... which means he didn't even get banned or anything. What a complete joke. and talk about what incentive to just do it yourself.
#1 - Aug. 3, 2010, 7:12 a.m.
Blizzard Post
And I locked the first one.

This is not supported although all scams will be investigated when reported.