@Rogues. Blizzard aren't idiots...

#0 - July 30, 2010, 7:46 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Dirty Tricks being moved out of range HAS to be data-mined. There is NO other explanation. As you know I'm usually one of the first people to comment on issues, and I usually get upset when told, "Beta is Beta" because it should be "Beta is for discussion."

The change to Dirty Tricks however, is so inconceivable that I can't legitimately believe it was done on purpose. It opens a Pandora's box FAR too big for me to believe a developer that actually plays this game would do. Sure, they've done some questionable things, but usually we just don't agree on it, not that it is wrong.

This one is just plain wrong and doesn't make sense. Have SOME faith in Blizzard people...

Edit: Changed title from "Do you really think Blizzard are idiots?" to "Blizzard aren't idiots" b/c people thought I was calling them stupid and missing the point that I'm saying they obviously are up to something bigger than you can see right now.
#29 - July 30, 2010, 5:45 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Elusiveness being too deep was considered a grave injustice. So we moved it up and switched it with Dirty Tricks, causing a new injustice. We'll try and find room in tier 2 for both.