Afraid of Ret's design direction

#0 - July 21, 2010, 8:02 p.m.
Blizzard Post
As of Build 12539, retribution has received a few new skills

Rebuke- A interrupt that lasts 4 seconds on a 10 sec cooldown.

Zealotry- Your Crusader Strike generates 3 stacks of Holy Power per strike for the next 30 sec. Requires 3 stacks of Holy Power to use. 30 min cd (possible typo)

Inquisition- Consumes Holy Power to increase your Holy Damage by 30%. Lasts 10 sec per charge of Holy Power consumed. no CD

Templar's Verdict: An instant weapon attack that causes a percentage of weapon damage. Consumes all applications of Holy Power to increase damage dealt

Rebuke, Holy power, and Templar's Verdict all seem like good new skills. Rebuke adds extra offensive utility, Templar's verdict and holy power add more depth to the spec

But Zealotry and inquisition add only more burst power. No depth to our gameplay, no additional utility, just extra burst and CDs to manage. It brings us back to 3.0

It seems like blizzard is making ret into a high-burst spec again. Didnt everyone agree that this doesnt work?

Didnt blizzard want to step away from both the "massive burst and high defensive" melee archetype in favor of giving us more

My suggestion: Remove at least Inquisition. Retribution doesnt need another active damage increasing cool down. Reduce the burst that We can do. Retribution needs more in the way of Offensive utility. Rebuke was a good start. Now we need a gap closer

#12 - July 21, 2010, 8:51 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
But Zealotry and inquisition add only more burst power. No depth to our gameplay, no additional utility, just extra burst and CDs to manage. It brings us back to 3.0.

You are using "depth" to mean "I have a large toolbox" or "an answer to everything." We use "depth" to mean there is more going on than just pop your cooldowns and kill someone. Good paladins will be able to manage those new mechanics and will do competitive damage as a result. Bad paladins will do lower damage. You will find other players who get killed by you (or get beaten by you in PvE) will complain more when they think they were "outplayed" because you pushed a button and beat them. They will complain less when they think you had to juggle a lot of balls in the air well to be able to achieve that damage.

Note that I did not say they won't complain at all. In PvP it's always because the other guy was overpowered. :)