Unauthorized authenticator added to my accoun

#0 - July 21, 2010, 12:42 a.m.
Blizzard Post
This marks the 3rd time this has happened in the past month :\

And because of this, I'm buying an authenticator. I'm not sure how they keep getting my account, but I've swept my computer with 3 different virus scanners, and haven't found a single thing each time.

So I guess I'm requesting that the authenticator placed on my main account be removed. Character is Squibbs on Maiev.

#17 - July 21, 2010, 3:22 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
This marks the 3rd time this has happened in the past month :\

And because of this, I'm buying an authenticator. I'm not sure how they keep getting my account, but I've swept my computer with 3 different virus scanners, and haven't found a single thing each time.

So I guess I'm requesting that the authenticator placed on my main account be removed. Character is Squibbs on Maiev.

Well, the authenticator is gone, but this is currently on a short suspension due to what the account was being used for.

This many times in a short period usually indicates yet unidentified malware on your system - or a compromised email.

Adding an authenticator would be great protection, but I'd still strongly encourage you to track this down.