GM!!! I am Hacked

#0 - July 16, 2010, 5:40 a.m.
Blizzard Post
This account is hacked as i type this on the foum will a gm please lock my account and request password change. They have also place an authenicator on this account. Please hurry.
#4 - July 16, 2010, 6:04 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
This account is hacked as i type this on the foum will a gm please lock my account and request password change. They have also place an authenicator on this account. Please hurry.

This has already been reported, you should have a new password and the authenticator has been removed.

There are damages, but that's already in process - it may take a few days for that to be complete.

Do let us know if you don't have access to the account with the new password. Also, note that will likely be changed at least once more, that's standard procedure in a compromise.

What is vital at this point is identifying how they got hold of your password and ID. If that isn't done, the chances of them getting right back in are VERY high.

This sticky may be useful.
Account Hacked? Security Issue? Look Here!

You may also want to look into getting an authenticator for your account. It's no substitute for good security habits, but it will help keep them out of your WoW account.

Blizzard Store

Mobile Authenticator