Bloodsurge procs

#0 - July 9, 2010, 9:22 a.m.
Blizzard Post
The duration of this proc has to be increased for the Fury PvP spec. Those mere 5 seconds duration might be more enough in PvE but are surely pathetic in PvP- can't last through a single HoJ, Shadowfury or any of the many long CC against which warriors are so vulnerable.

Maybe add some changes to Furious attacks and in addition to the healing debuff let it also increase the duration of the Bloodsurge by 3 sec per talent point. Furious attacks is pure PvP talnet so it will not affect PvE.
#4 - July 10, 2010, 5:27 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Also, is there still a chance fury will get a new melee attack or is the whole victory rush thing that GC talked about the new plan?


Our concern about Victory Rush is that Arms already has two big procs to watch for (Overpower and Execute) compared to Fury's one (Slam). Adding Victory Rush procs to Fury makes them feel a lot more like Arms. The right answer might lie somewhere outside of Victory Rush.
#36 - July 10, 2010, 9:33 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Making Sunder do damage just felt too much like Devastate.

We are experimenting with an attack linked to enrage. Fury has a lot of ways to get angry now, and it has good synergy with their mastery and distinction from Arms.
#72 - July 11, 2010, 5:55 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Please this, but don't consume the enrages. Requiring a rage to activate is fine, like GC said, fury warriors have lots of ways to get angry. But losing an 18% damage increasing enrage which we are balanced around having up 100% of the time is not worth an attack. Unless it is made so that it can only consume specific enrages (Blood Craze, Bloodthirst, etc.)

Yeah, I actually think it's cooler if the enrage is not consumed. When you give up damage over time for sudden damage, it turns out to be a math problem, and you can see lots of examples where we've ended up reverting or letting you talent out of a "consumes the charges" mechanic. If Fury isn't enraged 100% of the time (but isn't enraged 5% of the time either), and they have an attack that can only be used when enraged, but can be used frequently at that time, then you might have a pretty interesting rotation.

Q u o t e:
Are there any plans to make Sunder not an ass to put up and maintain? Making it three stacks is a step in the right direction, but a small one. And it's still a long way from where it should be.

I've seen suggestions to have something you normally hit renew a Sunder. That might be the kind of thing we mess around with.

Q u o t e:
Is there any chance this means the talent Enrage in the fury tree will proc off of damage done instead of damage taken? It seems unlikely warriors will be able to pick up Wrecking Crew with the new talent system, so I think the fury signature Enrage should work the way fury does; dealing damage. Not taking it.

It's possible, but Fury also has Bloodrage, Berserker Rage and Death Wish. If Enrage included AE damage it would proc a lot more in PvE too. Like I said above, we want Fury to be angry a lot, but not 100% of the time so we may need to tweak things to get to that point.

Q u o t e:
What's weird is you'd think Fury would be the bleed spec, not Arms. Or at least I think so. You'd also think Fury would be the more mobile spec. There's some weird things about the warrior dps trees that I feel like only came about because blizzard was trying to balance warriors, rather than fit a real vision for the specs.

We view Arms as a soldier, like a career military infantryman. Think Gladiator. We view Fury as the wild berserker from up in the hills. Think Braveheart or Conan. It's easy to argue that bleeds or mobility fit one or the other depending on your point of view. Arms feels tactical (in the sense of having an answer for various situations) and Fury feels reckless. The Arms warrior has pet names for all his weapons, while the Fury warrior shows up for battle drunk and half clothed.