New Shadow tree: less fun, fewer decisions

#0 - July 14, 2010, 4:16 a.m.
Blizzard Post
The new 31pt shadow talent tree has almost every talent you take down the tree taken up by DPS talents (barring VE and Dispersion which are basically necessary anyway, and Imp PWS to get to tier 2 Disc). Compared to the current talent tree, there are no spare points to make a decision where they go, and a standard PvE build can't pick up Psychic Horror or Silence.

Even a normal shadow build has always had a few points left over for decisions, and since 4p t10 Shadow has had extra points on top of that since we don't need Imp Mind Blast anymore; so to lose some of that variation and "fun" spells that Shadow has always had, when the goal has been to expand those decisions, is disappointing.

I'm not sure exactly what to do besides combine a few talents, though none spring to mind as a lot of them are large tooltips anyway. Perhaps make Imp Devouring Plague baseline with the spell... but that takes away some of the flare shadow priests get with it compared to healing priests.
#19 - July 14, 2010, 4:53 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Also what is this about hit from spirit? This was not part of the plan, we were told that casters would have a passive bonus, not a scaling from spirit!

No, we said that hybrids who share gear will be able to convert Spirit to hit. We originally were only going to do it for druids and shaman, but priests argued that it should apply to them too (even though they do have they do have access to actual hit gear).