A list of Warrior losses vs. Warrior gains

#0 - July 14, 2010, 5:19 a.m.
Blizzard Post
For Arms PVP, as of this talent build:

Weapon Mastery
Piercing Howl
Shield Slam
3% Parry
20% Stun Reduction
Nerfed Impale
Strength of Arms
Booming Voice
Tactical Mastery
UA Healing/Spell effect

Field Dressing
5% increase on Heroic Strike (no one is going to take more than one point in this talent)
Blitz (an extra stun effect on 2 nearby targets, ASSUMING there are targets nearby)

What amazes me is that one of the three gains we've received is not passive. EVERYTHING else is :(
#26 - July 14, 2010, 7:44 a.m.
Blizzard Post
You didn't lose any damage. Talents that grant nothing but armor pen or Strength are not the kind of talents we want to offer any more, at least below the first couple of tiers. You won't be doing any less damage when you log in for Cataclysm than you do today.
#122 - July 15, 2010, 5:30 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I eagerly await seeing how this will be accomplished. Just to see how you choose to make up for the damage. More baked into the abilities, perhaps?

The mage trees have +damage as passives. Imagine the Two-Handed Weapon Specialization from Arms is +28% to damage with two-handed weapons or whatever it needs to be to make up for losing talents.

Q u o t e:
I'm more worried about warriors losing talents like piecing howl, tactical mastery, weapon mastery and to a lesser extent iron will. I don't see how arms is going to be viable in any form of pvp without those talents.

More on Piercing Howl in a sec. Tactical Mastery is now baked into Stance Mastery (so you retain 25 rage when swapping). We are getting rid of a lot of the "being CC'd doesn't really counter you" talents, because we think they have led to classes not having weaknesses. The fact that instant casts are so important in PvP we think is a direct result from mobility being so important which is a direct result of nobody being controlled. We just need to chill all of that stuff out. If CCs are too potent, we want to nerf the CCs, not give everyone "CCs are impotent" talents.

Q u o t e:
From a pvp standpoint, the biggest loss is piercing howl. Fury has never really been a pvp spec outside of arms sucking or it being grossly overpowered damage wise.

Well, we'd like for Fury to be usable in PvP and there is a certain attraction to Arms having Juggernaut and Bladestorm, but Fury having Piercing Howl. As it is now, it's easy to make a hybrid build that scoops up the best of both talent trees. Rather than having Fury play differently than Arms, you just have Arms with the best of Fury.

That aside, we're not sure yet how we're going to handle Piercing Howl. One option is to put it in the second tier, the same way we did with Lichborne for DKs. My fear is that opening that door wider leads to a future full of "what is wrong with my class" manifestos from other classes that start off with bullet number one as"Lack of a 6 point talent." Other options include making it a class-wide ability.

Q u o t e:
Welcome to just about every class.

Yes. Every class lost "PvP isn't so hard on me" talents and every class lost passive damage.

Q u o t e:
Anyone who has the ability to view topics in their entirety knows that Warriors aren't the only classes losing what may seem to be enormously useful and necessary tools in certain specs or setups, and that people are massively overreacting in most cases. You never actually made a response to my original point, but obviously if you're going to keep turning on and off ignore (if you even did like you said you would, since I'm apparently trolling hardcore) to keep up the discussion, I guess it doesn't matter to you.

It's a time honored tradition in these forums to try and shout down players who "don't get it" because they're not of the same class as the OP or perhaps are accused of actively campaigning for nerfs for their enemies. Just remember that one of these reasons we promote these discussions in cross-class forums is to avoid the echo-chamber effect where everyone just gives each other megadittos for campaigning for buffs for their class. If you're in these forums, you need to defend your arguments against players of other classes who disagree with you. That doesn't mean you need to endure trolls or suffer fools, but it does mean it's not appropriate to just shut someone down or tune them out because they disagree.

That said, let's not turn this thread into one on forum etiquette please, but do keep it in mind.
#132 - July 15, 2010, 7:24 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
It was more of a "I can think of 2 ways off the top of my head, and I bet there are more too. I wonder which they'll implement..." thought. I wasn't trying to be snarky. I apologize if it came across that way.

Oh, sorry. Well even if it ended up not being for you personally, there are certainly plenty of "Arms is doomed without Strength of Arms! Rerolling!"

Q u o t e:
Why are you so hellbent on removing things from the game, GC? When will it end? Are you trying to make it so every class has their entire array of spells on one bar?

So you're going to miss Tactical Mastery? :)

The rest of your post was really more about how change is scary because we risk making things worse, which is all true, but that's no excuse for leaving things in the game that we think are bad. We owe our players more than that. The parable about my friend was that the size of the talent trees had gotten out of control. A big one-time prune to get rid of the cruft that has built up is worth it being simpler for players to take a break and come back to the game, play a long-neglected alt without hours of research, etc.