Fake gold Seller?

#0 - July 15, 2010, 1:17 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Well i'm on the server Darth'remar. Today there was a lvl 70 Shaman Called <name removed> (his name had weird e's) said he was going to give me 2k gold if i was able to find him. So after a long while i finally did and opened a trade. He said he would log onto another character and whisper me. He did this aswell, after that he just logged... Moments later, a lvl 8 warlock by the name of <name removed> (his name also had weird e's and u's ) whispered me asking if I wanted to buy gold? I said no, and bluffed reporting him. Then a toon named Breanni impersonated a Blizzard GM and queried me about having reported a lvl 8 warlock about gold selling. I just said go away. Knew this was fake because I didn't open a ticket and no offense blizzard but 10 second response from a ticket is just unrealistic :P
I find all these chain of events fishy.
1. the gold seller that whispered me was lvl 8..he had weird letters in his name and he referred me to a website called <Website Removed> which doesn't exist, I found out when i tried to cross reference the toon's name and the website (thought maybe other people would've complained about him)
2. Many of these people had weird letters in their name and none were online at the same time.
3. Why would Breanni whisper me...

So I would have posted a ingame ticket but it's limited. the amount of words i can use in a ticket. If a GM could shed some light on this please :D

My toon's name is Lucipal and all this happenned around 5:00 AM PDT i think (10:00 pm aus time :D)
#8 - July 16, 2010, 7:41 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
IDK it was late at night when i was trying to think of a thread name.
Some guy told me to buy gold at this website but the website didn't exist.
Tried to cross reference his name and the website so I could block the website.

Please do not EVER go to a website like that - they are often lousy with keyloggers.

Matter of fact, even if it LOOKS like it didn't exist, it may have been a dummy page. I'd still recommend a full security sweep of your system just to make sure.

Just report folks like this, let us deal with them :)