Just ask us to cancel our accounts

#0 - July 6, 2010, 7:48 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Instead of coming up with this flimsy excuses for real id mandating their use (Violating privacy laws and generating real life concerns in the US and Canada) why doesn't blizzard just OUT RIGHT DEMAND players to cancel their accounts.

I mean why string us along and why probe the community, its an awful idea the person behind it should be FIRED for such a terrible high stakes game. Your exposing your player base to make a decision, PAY and PLAY and be exposed, or QUIT.

Families every where should be alarmed that their children are now going to be even more radically exposed to per-verts , stalkers and terrorism in general.

For all of these reasons, financial reasons and for the fun of the game, REAL ID is just awful

Its looking more and more that wow is no longer a safe haven to spend time after work, since anything and everything i do as a player (as a fictional character) must now be translated back to my real life person

That's not what i wanted when i bought and started playing when wow day 1 launched and its not what I will want if all this crap comes to pass.

You are making me and a lot of people, who legitimately use the forums and play the game and pay the fee month in and month out very SAD


Disappointed Wow Player

What a terrible terrible thing you are doing.
#9 - July 6, 2010, 8:09 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Please keep Real ID conversations to one thread: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=25712374700&sid=1