Simple solution to this RealId Forum Problem.

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#0 - July 6, 2010, 7:57 p.m.
Blizzard Post
When the new forums come up, let us attach a new, permanent name to our realid name, that we use exclusively for the forums.

It could be an alias, or a single, permanent number, whatever.

So if my realid is Micah Whipple (sorry lol I like that name), I could attach another name, like Ferdinand Archibald, that will appear when I post. Or I could use 49763029.

If the intent is to reduce forum trolls hiding behind an endless succession of level 1 alts, then it can be anything, a new name, a number, whatever. Its completely unecessary to make it a real, actual name. Anything else will work just as well.

Of course, if the intent isnt to clean up the forums, but something more sinister, then we have a bigger problem.
#3 - July 6, 2010, 7:58 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Please keep Real ID conversations to one thread: