#1 - June 22, 2010, 11:36 p.m.
Common Display Issues
Often times after a patch, user interface (UI) files can become corrupt or out-dated. These issues most commonly affect custom AddOns or modifications (such as QuestHelper, Bartender, etc). Without clearing out these "old" custom UI files, one may encounter major display issues such as items "disappearing," not being able to see in-game chat, being unable to whisper other players, and many other unpleasant situations.
While simply disabling or updating your AddOns may resolve these discrepancies, the only means by which to guarantee that a given issue is not being caused by the UI is to fully reset it.
With the game closed please try moving or deleting your WTF, Cache, and Interface folders out of your World of Warcraft directory. These are temporary files that will be recreated by the game the next time you launch. Moving them to the desktop makes it easy to replace them if necessary.
Step by step guides for your operating system can be found below.
Windows XP/2000
-Click the Start button, select Programs, select Accessories and select Windows Explorer.
-In the new window click the + beside the My Computer option, this should expand a list.
-Click the + beside the Hard Disk with the (C:) label on the end (Or whichever Hard Disk the game was installed on).
-Click the + beside Program Files.
-Scroll down until you find World of Warcraft in the list and double click it.
-In the panel on the right there should be a list of files and folders, the WTF, CACHE, and INTERFACE folders should be in this list.
-Single click one of those folders and it should become highlighted, once that folder is highlighted press the Delete key on your keyboard. Do this for all three folders.
-Once the three folders have been deleted you can close Windows Explorer.
-Start the game again using the World of Warcraft Launcher to see if this helps resolve your issue.
Windows Vista/7
-Click the Start button, select All Programs, select Accessories and select Windows Explorer.
-In the new window click the + beside the My Computer option, this should expand a list.
-Click the + beside the Hard Disk with the (C:) label on the end (Or whichever Hard Disk the game was installed on).
-Click the + beside Program Files.
-Scroll down until you find World of Warcraft in the list and double click it.
-In the panel on the right there should be a list of files and folders, the WTF, CACHE, and INTERFACE folders should be in this list.
-Single click one of those folders and it should become highlighted, once that folder is highlighted press the Delete key on your keyboard. Do this for all three folders.
- If the UAC is enabled, which it is by default, then the system will also be caching these three folders. Towards the top of the Windows explorer window should be a Link labeled "Virtual store", please click on this. In the Virtual store folder, please check if there is a World of Warcraft folder, and if so please delete the three folders WTF, Cache and Interface from this location as well.
-Once these extra three folders have been deleted you can close Windows Explorer.
-You will need to restart your system at this point.
-Start the game again using the World of Warcraft Launcher, when starting the game right click on the game icon, and select Run As Administrator. This will make sure that any settings you change in game are saved correctly.
Mac OS X
-Click on the desktop and then the Go menu on the top.
-Click Applications.
-Scroll down to World of Warcraft and select it.
-Right-click (Control+click if you own a 1-button mouse) on the Cache folder and select Move to Trash.
-Perform the above step for the Interface and WTF folder as well.
-Double-click the World of Warcraft application to launch the game and verify if the issue has been resolved.