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#0 - June 22, 2010, 6:43 a.m.
Blizzard Post
My account was hacked while I was out of the country with no email or internet connection, so I wasn't contacted about my password being changed.

Arriving back, my characters were deleted with nothing left. (Although for some reason I am able to post as the character that was deleted.)

So I have been hacked about three or four times since I've played the game, and everytime I contact a GM I've had immediate restoration.

So I was just curious, why does the victim have to wait such a long time to receive its restoration?

Please excuse me if there is already a post/thread about this, I asked a GM if I was still in line to get my characters back, and when I asked this question he didn't give me a throrough answer.

Thank you
#1 - June 22, 2010, 6:47 a.m.
Blizzard Post
You do have an open investigation, it's 7 days, 3 hours old at the moment.

There are simply players ahead of you, investigations are running a bit over 10 days at the moment.

Of possibly bigger concern - you've been compromised how many times? You are going to HAVE to find the source of these or this will keep happening.

This sticky may be useful.

Account Hacked? Security Issue? Look Here!

You may also want to look into getting an authenticator for your account. It's no substitute for good security habits, but it will help keep them out of your WoW account.

Blizzard Store

Mobile Authenticator
#3 - June 22, 2010, 6:50 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I've had to resort to signing up for a new email, because I get around 25-30 emails per day all saying they are Blizzard, and I don't know which ones are which anymore.

Thank you for the response.

Those would be phishes. Couple ways to spot a phish, one of the surest is to pop open the internal routing header on the email and look for the true sender.

FROM in an email is a lot like jotting down a return address on an envelope - you can make it say anything you like.