Operation Gnomergan/echo isles

#1 - May 27, 2010, 11:19 p.m.
Blizzard Post
blizzard never tells you what will be coming when. they have already answered this question specifically. it will come out

Q u o t e:
when it's ready
#7 - May 27, 2010, 11:38 p.m.
Blizzard Post
The events themselves are not currently scheduled to go live with patch 3.3.5. We're simply taking the opportunity on the PTRs to test these events while they're up and running in case we do not have another opportunity to do so before marking these events live.
#11 - May 27, 2010, 11:44 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Thanks for the info, Zarhym!

That's a question I've seen a few times already.

No problem. :)

The release of the events will be contingent upon the development of other features leading up to Cataclysm, but their release will likely not coincide directly with a patch. They're events that simply need to be "turned on" when we're ready.