Selling World of Warcraft Game Cards In Game?

#1 - May 1, 2011, 9:22 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Hey everyone,

Earlier today when i was logged in i read in Trade chat someone advertising that they were selling a World of warcraft 30 Day subscription card for World of warcraft gold. Is that
allowed to be done? Or would that be Real world trading? Just wondering, Because technically it is Blizzard product for Blizzard product right? and in the end blizzard is not losing money?
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#28 - May 1, 2011, 10:47 p.m.
Blizzard Post
05/01/2011 02:22 PMPosted by Rossja
Just wondering, Because technically it is Blizzard product for Blizzard product right? and in the end blizzard is not losing money?

Even if the transactions were legitimate (i.e. using valid credit cards and the purchases upheld), this is not the type of exchange that we condone.

05/01/2011 03:07 PMPosted by Rossja
I' am just wondering if you can be banned for it...

Yes, your account can be actioned for exchanging real world currency/services for virtual property. Those actions can include the permanent closure of an account.

05/01/2011 03:23 PMPosted by Munchi
So you just assumed they were used with stolen credit cards? Sounds pretty ignorant to me.

You may be misunderstanding the definition of ignorant, Munchi.

Ignorant: Lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact

Since it is evident that you may not have the knowledge or information on this particular subject let me assure you that in the majority of these cases, the exchange of virtual property almost always involves stolen or misappropriated items/methods of payment.